ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on social responsibility

Businesses are powerful constituents of society and every corporate has a form of self regulatory technique integrated into their business model. It is to monitor and ensure that it abides with the soul of law, ethical factors and global norms.

In general, CSR is the way through which a company achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives ("Triple-Bottom-Line- Approach"), while at the same time addresses the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders.

On the whole,an organization's performance in relation to the society in which it operates and to its impacts on the environment has become a critical part of measuring its overall performance and its ability to continue operating effectively.

Integration of social responsibility in an organizations structure brings benefits in terms of:

  • Reputation and competitive advantage
  • Attractiveness towards workers, users, clients
  • Motivation of the employees
  • Opinion of investors, owners, donors and the financial community
  • External relations.

Our Services which covers a wide area within CSR performa are,

  • Gap Assessment
  • Strategy development
  • Trainings on ISO 26000
  • Verification of Compliance

ISO 26000:2010 Principles

ISO 26000 acknowledges that applying a lens of social responsibility can be complex. Competing priorities, cultural differences, and other unique variables can create a muddied picture concerning 'right' action. The standards make it clear and that companies should proceed in good faith, applying the seven principles of socially responsible behavior as outlined in the standard

  • Accountability: being answerable for decisions and activities and their impacts on society, the economy and the environment.
  • Transparency: openness about decisions and activities that impact on society and the environment.
  • Ethical behavior: in accordance with accepted principles based on the ethics of honesty, equity, and integrity.
  • Respect for stakeholder interest: respect, consider and respond to the interests of its stakeholders
  • Respect for rule of law: mandatory
  • Respect for international norms of behavior: respects international norms of behavior while adhering to the principle of respect for the rule of law
  • Respect for human rights: respects and fosters rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights

How to transfer your current certificate to ECA

You can transfer the certificate at any stage to us during surveillance/ recertification.

To transfer any certificate IAF has laid down New rules -

So what I need to DO.

  • Scan a clear copy of the certificate
  • Write to us on and Attach the scanned copy to the mail and send or contact us
  • We will review the details and advise on the further steps within two days.

Certification Process

  • Preliminary audit (optional):
    ECA's experienced and highly-skilled auditors would listen to you and perform an initial assessment of the guidance on social responsibility system that is implemented. The audit focuses mainly on the areas of the system that needs further improvements inline with the ISO requirements, in order to achieve the goal of implementing the system. Once identifying and eradicating potential vulnerabilities in the management system, the actual audit in relation to the certification begins.
  • Certification audit:
    This phase is comprised of a stage 1 and stage 2 audit consists of detailed review where, ECA's auditors with expertise and vast knowledge on the industry sectors,assess your documentation and practical application of your guidance on social responsibility management system to fulfill the certification requirements. We strive to reveal observations that can add value through reduced costs, increased efficiency, and decreased time to market.
  • Issue Certificate:
    Once our highly competent & qualified auditors who are experts in the sector, identifies that your CMS satisfies the requirements of ISO 26000-2010, we ECA a leading accredited certification body with expertise in guidance on social responsibility will Issue the ISO 26000-2010 certificate.
  • Surveillance audits:
    Annual surveillance of the ongoing optimization of your processes and guidance on social responsibility system would be carried out to ensure adherence of the system with that of the ISO standards.
  • Re-certification:
    Upon reaching 3 years from the date of issuance of certificate, the maximum validity of the certificate, we will provide full support to your organization towards the re-certification for the net term.


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